A recent story on Channel 7 News highlights what we have been telling you for years - most candles aren't safe...and none are as safe and healthy as UAINE Candles. Few candles are pure soy and the majority of them are certainly not natural. UAINE Candles is one of only a handful of candle manufacturers that use 100% soy wax, natural fragrances, pure cotton wicks and no additives to create beautiful, cleaner, safer and healthier candles. Likewise, our reed diffusers are made from plants and contain no VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) and only natural fragrances, rather than petro-chemical feedstock high in glycol ethers and acetates (present in other diffusers).

Sadly, there are no regulations requiring candle makers to declare what actually goes into their candles and reed diffusers. We can tell you that it is evident that most of the big brands who advertise their use of soy wax also use paraffin wax in their candles (or perhaps even the ecologically devastating palm wax). If they don't say 100% soy wax then they are likely to call their product 'hybrid soy', 'soy blend' or 'soy/coconut' wax - all clues that they may contain paraffin. Why don't they all use 100% soy?... because 100% soy wax is harder to work with. As a manufacturer, paraffin wax would undoubtebly make our life easier as it ensures a perfect, glossy top that you find on mass-produced candles. But paraffin wax has long been known to be harmful when burnt (even food grade - which, of course, is designed to be eaten - think chewing gum)!! We are prepared to risk the occasional aesthetic imperfection rather than compromise your health and the health of your family, your kids and your grandkids. Watch this news report and then BREATHE EASY with UAINE Candles.