One of the true joys of being so involved with manufacturing, distributing, wholesaling and retailing UAINE Candles is TESTING TIME!! Any changes to our candles…new fragrance, new container, new formulations, new wicks, change of season or when we develop totally new products, means that we put each candle through rigorous testing to maintain our high quality standards and consistency. We’re looking for that perfect burn, beautiful fragrance throw (both hot and cold), smooth tops, a cool burn and, of course, maximum burn time to ensure best value for money. Whilst early testing is conducted in our manufacturing facility in the heart of Morpeth, later testing is done in our homes so we can see how our candles perform in real life. We can sometimes have 30 or 40 candles burning throughout our home - blissful!

What a feeling of comfort a candle can give (and we believe the more the merrier). Candles radiate a beautiful ambience, converting a house into a cozy, comfortable home. We hope you enjoy burning our candles in your home as much as we do. We have so many beautiful, affordable candles to choose from we know for sure that UAINE Candles has something for everyone.
So burn a candle this cold, blustery day and you too can experience the joy of testing our fragrances and styles in your own home.
Stay safe & well nurtured
Andrew & the UAINE Candles team
Making beautiful candles!
This looks very cosy and im sure smells awsome